
The first important step towards starting or expanding a business in the UK is to open a business bank account. To open a business account with most UK banks, applicants generally need to be UK residents or operate a business based in the UK. This...

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July 10, 2024

Are you thinking of starting a business in the UK but unsure whether to register as a sole trader or form a limited company? Making the right choice at the outset can have significant implications for your business's legal structure, taxation...

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May 21, 2024

Begin naming your UK business with our guide. We'll help you smoothly transition from setup to choosing a name that's both legally compliant and resonates with your audience. In our previous discussion, we laid the groundwork for setting u...

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March 19, 2024

Setting up a limited company in the UK is a strategic move that offers numerous advantages for entrepreneurs and business owners. Understanding how to register a UK Limited Company is vital for any entrepreneur. This comprehensive guide aims to wa...

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January 03, 2024

The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme has indeed come in handy for businesses during trying times. A business can claim the fifth grant if the business owner feels that the profits generated by the business will be negatively hit by the still ...

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September 28, 2021

One year of the pandemic down and still there appears a lot still to be learnt about the virus as COVID-19 has morphed into a whole new dodgy variant swiftly infecting the masses. But life cannot come to a standstill and so despite lockdowns and r...

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February 04, 2021

Accounting for Start-ups can be difficult if they do not take care of certain things. Below are the Tips for The Self-Employed Business Owners.


You need to keep an eye on the deadlines. It may seem ea...

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January 27, 2021

Recently in UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak is planning to pull out the corona virus business loan schemes till the end of March and furlough scheme until the end of April 2021 to hold up UK businesses as restrictions continue. The Budget is set for 3rd...

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January 08, 2021

Recruitment has always been a very cumbersome and challenging process for businesses and more so for start-ups and even greater a challenge is to hire the right candidate with the right skill-sets. In spite of these challenges, an effective recrui...

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January 06, 2021

Despite it being a year since the virus was first spotted, COVID-19 is still very much a part of our lives and we have had to adjust ourselves to this new and masked ‘normal’. However, the pandemic and the resulting lockdowns has struc...

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January 04, 2021

As astounding as it may sound, only a minority of 30% small business entrepreneurs feel that accounting services are required. Since a penny saved is a penny earned – a trend that is bound to pick up weight due to Covid-19 – it appears...

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January 01, 2021

On 12 November 2020, as part of the draft clauses of the Finance Bill 2021 to prevent abuse of Research and Development (R&D) tax relief for small and medium-sized enterpr...

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December 28, 2020

As UK Small and Mid-Size Enterprises (SMEs) navigate the path to recovery in an ever-evolving business landscape, the role of accountants becomes increasingly vital. In this article, we'll explore how accountants serve as strategic partners, h...

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December 23, 2020

The impact of COVID 19 has been felt across the globe. Individuals, Families, Businesses, Governments have all been severely affected by this pandemic. UK businesses have not been untouched by this. Among them, the hardest hit has been the SME sec...

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December 21, 2020

The third round of coronavirus support from the government worth up to £7,500 can be applied now by self-employed workers.

To assist businesses negatively impacted due to Covid-19 government introduced self-employment income suppor...

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December 19, 2020

Most small business owners are looking towards avenues to save money. At such a time extraneous expenses are things that one would like to avoid. Considering this, small business owners like to avoid work that is given outhouse thinking of the DIY...

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December 14, 2020

When Darwin propounded the theory regarding the survival of the fittest, he surely must not have thought that what stands true for the business world also stands true for the business one. The Covid pandemic has taught business owners a thing or t...

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December 11, 2020

The disturbance created by this pandemic has been very challenging for all the businesses. And it’s crystal clear that associated problems with Covid-19 will be there for longer than expected. By taking appropriate action to support your cli...

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December 07, 2020

The pandemic has caused large-scale loss of lives and severe human suffering worldwide. It is the largest public health crisis in the living memory of mankind, which has also created a major economic catastrophe. Production was at halt which affec...

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December 02, 2020

Winter has finally arrived and with it the fear of a fresh or second wave of infections all thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. With businesses in a virtual shut down mode due to the lockdown and sales pummeling it appears that the only thing busi...

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November 27, 2020

There have been many changes that the government has been forced to make in light of the Covid 19 pandemic. In fact, the severity and the infectiousness has been disarming as one can see by the frequently changing government policy. On one hand th...

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November 25, 2020

What do you mean by SEISS?

UK Government has supported self-employed because of the impact of pandemic Coronavirus on their business with a scheme known as Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS).

Due to ...

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November 23, 2020

The winter of 2020 has been predicted to be a difficult winter for businesses worldwide with the pandemic continuing to raise the toll of those infected. Considering the imposed lockdowns and the problems businesses are facing retaining their curr...

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November 06, 2020

Due to the pandemic situation business accounting has taken on a whole new light. The constantly changing grants, loans and government schemes and all the updates that keep pouri...

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November 04, 2020

Winter Economic update was delivered on September 24, 2020 by Chancellor Rishi Sunak. It unveils a new package of Government support for Covid 19 affected businesses and employees.

To quote Chancellor Rishi Sunak -


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November 02, 2020

Explore the United Kingdom's innovative Wage Subsidy Scheme and its potential as a formidable competitor to Germany's renowned Kurzarbeit. In this article, we delve into how these two programs stack up, offering insights into how they impa...

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October 30, 2020

There is much excitement when you think of establishing a new start-up but there are many challenges as well that need to be dealt with. One of the first challenges is to answer the question ‘What will be the most optimal legal structure for...

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October 28, 2020

Trying times are what bring out the best and worst in people. Perhaps the current economic situation has never been hit this bad. With the world hiding behind its doors due to the virus and people being forced to leave shelter and battle the odds ...

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October 16, 2020

We are in the middle of pandemic situation and uncertainty is a synonymous of all the human lives for the most part of the world. Global economic is suffering because of Covid-19 outbreak. The virus has impacted the lives of millions and continues...

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October 12, 2020

With the extension of the coronavirus business interruption loan scheme there has indeed been a sigh of relief. This welcome note was struck on the 24th of September 2020 when the news of the extension was released to continue till the 30th of Nov...

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October 09, 2020

As businesses struggled to find cover the government has been persistent in trying to ensure that no one feels left out in their spate to ease the burden that has fallen so ominously due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Kickstart Scheme so close o...

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October 07, 2020

The Covid-19 outbreak has negatively impacted the businesses and livelihood of almost all the self-employed people in the UK. Therefore, the announcement of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak brought a big sigh...

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September 18, 2020

At the International Trade Centre, we were gearing up to prepare our main stakeholders – micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) – for the challenges ahead. We did not expect, however, that a major crisis would hit so rapidly...

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September 16, 2020

What's the interruption: Disruption is a process of preventing something unusual. And present your things better and it doesn't require expensive casino shows or big sets. All this just needs a good idea and an endorsement of good presenta...

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September 07, 2020

The virtual world has opened out like a Pandora’s box all thanks to Covid 19. Now it is not just getting the accounts right that matter, but how techno savvy you are also determines how well you are able to retain those clients. Virtual pres...

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September 04, 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19) has created a havoc around the world. A disease which looked simple on papers took lives of around 20 million people globally. It broke the backbone of world economy which is still in the process of redemption. Almost all th...

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September 02, 2020

Covid-19 has taken most businesses for an unpleasant toss but now with the lockdown opening there is really nothing much we can do aside from safe practices and trying to pick up the pieces. There is an obvious risk in re-starting or in even runni...

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August 10, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll not only on world health but on businesses as well. The government with the introduction of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme(CJRS) earlier this year in March managed to save many employers from engagin...

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August 06, 2020

When furlough started earlier this year in March it is doubtful that employers expected it to run this long. However, no one can deny that it has been a welcome relief especially for employees who feared instant dismissals. Unfortunately, since fo...

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June 19, 2020

Undoubtedly, most of the businesses are dealing with great difficulties due to the COVID19 pandemic. Therefore, to help the companies to cope with this period of financial disruption, on 20 April, the Chancellor announced the Future Fund Scheme. V...

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June 18, 2020

In March 2020 the UK government announced the COVID-19 Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) Rebate Scheme to support the small and medium-sized businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under this scheme, small and medium-sized employers, with fewer than ...

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June 02, 2020

Businesses are facing hard-hitting troubles due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Many small business owners are considering getting grants to fund their businesses. The good news is that the government has set out tailor made measures ...

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May 14, 2020